Category Archives: Health & Fitness

Meal planning

Hello All,

Happy 2020…I wish you all a very happy new year and hope that you all will reach your goals and fulfill your resolutions. Speaking of which, raise your hand if one of your new year’s resolution is to eat out less, cook more and eat healthy home made food?

I know that is definitely something on my list. My family does well on this mostly but once in a while we all get too busy to cook and end up eating out and just give up because of the overwhelm. Also after coming back from a busy day of work, my brain is too tired to think what I want to make for dinner let alone what I want to make for tomorrow’s breakfast, lunch etc.

This is where the meal planning comes into picture. This is how I do it and hopefully it will help you busy folks out there.

I start on Friday. Sometimes during Friday lunch or at night while we are all winding down. I write down the menu for the next week. I do not include Saturday or Sunday. Although it will be a good idea to do that if you are one of those people who have older kids and have lots of activities over the weekends. We are not there yet.

I write down the days of the week in the columns Monday to Friday and then Breakfast, Lunch, Snack and Dinner in the rows. And I just write down meals in this grid. Now not only I know what I am going to make for dinner after coming for work (takes out the decision fatigue) but this will automatically help generate my grocery list that I will tackle on Saturday mornings. This way I am not wandering down the random isles thinking do I need this item or that item. This has numerous benefits. First of all it saves a lot of time, I do not make any impulse purchases so saves money as well and nothing goes waste.

Now the only thing left for me to do is to just cut or do some prep in advance for different meals over week. For e.g. if I am going to make roasted coli flower for Monday night then all I do is separate and cut the florets and pack them in zip bags. If I am going to make some lentils for later that week that need soaking, I do that and then next day I will cook it in my Instant Pot and put it in the fridge to use it later. BTW.. if you don’t own Instant Pot yet I highly recommend buying it, I am going to post some Instant pot recipes here soon. So watch put for that. Usually I do the prep on Sunday afternoons while listening to an audio book or watching some YouTube video.

That’s it. That is my whole meal prep. This way I am all sorted for the week and eat healthy all week. We do have a cheat meal on weekends. We do eat once a week out but that is not so bad. Although I am working on reducing that to once in 2 weeks and then gradually once a month and so on…

Let me know if you have any other tips or tricks that you want to share with me. I would love some. Or try out this and tell me if this helped you. Thanks…